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Before you log a maintenance issue, please note that you are responsible for basic maintenance at the property. Please read our FAQs and our self-help guides below, before you report an issue. Reading the guides is important for three reasons; firstly, the problem may be resolved more quickly; secondly, it helps us with diagnosis and thirdly, it prevents you being charged for an incorrect call-out.
If you are reporting a boiler, heating or water water issue, the following link has information regarding heating/hot water, frozen pipes, leaks, bleeding radiators and other radiator issues, timer problems, thermostat issues and more. This guide below also provides easy to follow youtube videos, to make trouble-shooting very easy.
More self-help guides here just click on the link on the left of the page for the relevant area.
If you are a landlord or a tenant and would still like to report an issue, Click Here